Wolfgang Tichy


Sgrid - How to obtain, compile and run Sgrid from the sgridsource repo
tgraph.py - Plot 1D and 2D output from computer codes such as Nmesh, BAM, Sgrid, or the Einstein Toolkit (press green "Clone or download" button on GitHub)
CactusSgrid - An arrangement for the Einstein Toolkit that contains the thorn DNSdata that can read Sgrid initial data into the Einstein Toolkit
EinsteinToolkit/ExternalLibraries-SGRID - A thorn for the Einstein Toolkit needed by the thorn DNSdata from CactusSgrid
Scripts - Various scripts to start runs or add ssh keys (if they are out of date, talk to Wolfgang)
Accessing the FAU NR repos - Instructions on how to access the software repos of the FAU NR group
About ssh keys - Instructions on how to use ssh keys
AAScripts - Ananya's scripts that help with BAM, Nmesh and Sgrid compiling and run outputs